The Shelfie project consists of a partnership between 6 organisations from 6 European countries: Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Finland. There are several affiliated schools participating in the project. The lead organisation is Municipality Educational ICT-unit of Malmö, Sweden. The project started in 2021 and will run for three years

SHELFIE project is based on the experiences gained in the previous Erasmus+ “Digital Schools of Europe” project (DSoE 2015-2018). During the course of DSoE it became clear that while the use of a self-assessment tool by schools was helpful in terms of assessing their position on the spectrum of digital transformation and in identifying associated strengths and weaknesses, for many schools accessing relevant resources relevant to their particular situation was a difficulty and a frustration. While resources do exist, they are not always easy to locate and gaps exist in many areas. Both SELFIE and DSoE have many similarities and they show the schools where they are in their digital development, but not so much what to do to continue the progress.
SHELFIE wants to help the effective digital innovation of European schools by not proposing innovative systems, but by promoting, in a capillary way, the knowledge of the major problematic and the related solutions of a digital school, basing its activity on the precious legacy of some past European projects, that otherwise risk to be unused and sterile.
It is not just about identifying weaknesses but also doing something about it.
- To create an awareness in schools of what it takes to improve the digital ecosystem and to enable schools to succeed within the limits of each local, school environment.
- To provide schools with pertinent tools and resources to develop an effective and safe digital environment for students in which to acquire meaningful and authentic knowledge and as such, enhance evolving, best practices in these areas.
- To create an interactive, Online Safety Roadmap consisting of appropriate materials incorporating school management, teachers, students and parents.
- IO1– An in depth study on the difficulties facing schools in integrating digital teaching and learning structured in the line with the SELFIE headings.
- IO2– An online open source library of modules structured according to the SELFIE headings facilitating searchable and age-appropriate access to resources for schools spread across the Internet.
- IO3– An online roadmap to support school management, teachers, students and parents to handle internet safety as a key competence in order to help youngsters to really use the internet as active global citizens.